The craft beer scene is experiencing a huge upswing in popularity in Massachusetts and nationwide. Whether it is an ale, a stout or a lager, beer-enthusiasts in the state are finding a greater selection of their favorite beverage than ever before. Some of them may even take this hobby a step further and try brewing beer in their own homes, with dreams of one day quitting the rat-race and opening a lucrative brewery of their own. However, one Massachusetts man is facing criminal charges for allegedly selling beer without first procuring the proper license.

According to police, the 44-year-old man advertised his brewed beverages online at That website touts itself as being the premiere place for the sale of collectible beer memorabilia. Police responded to the man’s advertisement and allegedly agreed to buy $700 worth of craft beer. Then police reportedly met the man at a truck stop and bought 57 bottles of beer from him. After that, he was charged with selling beer without a license.

While it is important for any budding entrepreneur to obtain the proper license to sell their wares, it is also important that police do not overreach in trying to apprehend those they think are committing crimes. For example, one may question whether such stings are legal.

To answer this and related questions, it is important to consult with a criminal defense attorney. An attorney can assess their client’s situation, to determine whether their client’s rights were violated. An attorney can also help their client develop a strong argument in their favor and can represent their client throughout the trial process.

Source: FOX 43, “Massachusetts man charged with selling brewed beverages without license,” Keith Schweigert, Sept. 7, 2017