What are the DUI penalties in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, law enforcement can arrest you for DUI if you have a blood alcohol content of at least 0.08%. This state law also applies to intoxication by controlled substances. Review the Massachusetts laws about driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs....

Types of assault charges in Massachusetts

Massachusetts law defines assault as intending or trying to use force against another person. If this attempt succeeds, the offender could receive assault and battery charges, defined as deliberate nonconsensual or harmful contact with another person. When facing...

How can a DUI arrest affect your life?

Massachusetts has strict DUI laws. Even if the offense is your first run-in with the law, the state statutes set out a clear path of how the court will deal with it.  You may not believe a one-time decision may impact so many other areas of your life, but it is...

Drug possession penalties in Massachusetts

An arrest for drug possession in Massachusetts can result in serious penalties, which vary depending on the type of drug, the amount and other factors. College students may be subject to sanctions from their universities as well as legal consequences such as fines,...

Chemical breath tests and Massachusetts law

Across the United States, it is common for authorities to administer a breath test to check blood alcohol when pulling someone over for potential drunk driving. After a brief suspension, prosecutors in Massachusetts can once again enter results into evidence at trial....