If you regularly hop into Uber, Lyft or other ride-hailing service vehicles, you are not alone. In fact, the Pew Research Center reports that nearly half of Americans use ride-hailing services. Still, as with any automobile accident, you are vulnerable to injury in an Uber or Lyft vehicle.

Following a collision, you may be able to pursue compensation for your injuries and other damages. To boost your odds of recovering what you deserve, take the following three steps after an Uber or Lyft accident.

1. Report the accident

Police officers receive extensive training on investigating car accidents and writing reports. These reports may be extremely valuable to you. Therefore, you should inform the police of the accident by calling 911. You should also notify the ride-hailing service.

2. Document the crash

You want as much information as possible about the accident. Accordingly, provided you can do so without endangering yourself or others, try to take some photographs of the accident scene. Then, gather the names and contact details of everyone who witnessed the collision. Finally, write down your account of how the crash happened.

3. Go to the doctor

Your body’s stress response may play tricks on you. That is, because of adrenaline and other stress hormones, you may not immediately realize you have sustained an injury. Consequently, you should seek emergency medical care following any type of car crash.

When you go to the doctor, explain how the accident occurred. Also, tell the physician about your medical history and any pain or other symptoms you are experiencing. Only after your doctor fully examines you can you know whether you have sustained a serious injury in an Uber or Lyft accident.